Monday, May 8, 2017

Hello everyone!!

This week was really good!! There isn't much to update because we are still looking for solid people to teach so I want to talk about something else.

This week we had Zone Conference and there were quite a few new missionaries and I talked to a few of them. I could see their potential and fire they had. A lot of them were scared and asked a lot of questions I asked older missionaries when I first came out. But they had so much enthusiasm and they were just so ready to serve and give everything to their Heavenly Father. I felt that I had lost that enthusiasm for a while which made me a bit upset and frustrated at myself because I remember older missionaries commenting on the fire and enthusiasm I had. I went to Zone Conference with a prayer that I would get that motivation back. Seeing those missionaries helped kick-start it again. But it didn't end there. So many times while we were choosing streets to knock I would find streets with names that would remind me of home or past areas and I would choose them but I was worried Sister Zurita wasn't going to just because they were personal to me. But then she did! And I have found D&C 100:5-6 to be so true as I have prayed more for the courage to stop people and be given what to say to them. And so many other times that He has answered me. This week has just been a testimony builder that Heavenly Father is so aware of me. He is listening to my prayers. He wants me to give my best and I want to as well but He isn't going to make me do it alone.

I just want all of you to know that Heavenly Father is so aware of you. He's aware of your wants and needs. He listens to you and loves you. Never give up. He can give you help! I love this Gospel so much and I love the power of Jesus Christ's Atonement. I love my Heavenly Father so much!!

Have a great week!! Love you and miss you all!!

Sister Montgomery

Sister Zurita and I in front of the York Minister

my mission sister (Sister Koepf's 2nd trainee)

Zone Conference in Billingham. It was so fun to see Billingham again!

 🎶It's So Much Fun Not Knowing Where You're Going🎶

this is what happens when you take the road less traveled


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